Get Energised in Essex

Energise Essex Social Networking Website Creative Agency Web Site
December 2, 2011 | | Web |


Create a brand which would get Essex active! Led by Sport Essex the project was to launch a brand that would facilitate people getting back into sport, whatever their age.

It was to be a new brand created by Big Stick and launched on a website. Big Stick were charged with coming up with a name and design style to apply to the website and supporting literature.


‘Get Energised in Essex’ was the campaign line created by Big Stick with a slick sporting looking logo!
The target audience were split into groups and the activity levels from ‘gentle’ to ‘competitive’ split across the groups appropriately.
The website allowed people to explore, why they should exercise and how they could fit it into their lifestyle. It made suggestions of new sports
They could try, provided taster sessions to try them and even an interactive map, where you could search for the nearest sports facility which,
covered the support you were interested in. There is even a nutrion page and a sports adviser to give you advice and guidance  to help you get started.


The result was a site launched in Essex with a massive bike ride and a website which helps every age group in Essex find the activity of their choice to keep fit and healthy!

Written By
Carl Brady

The founder of Big Stick and an award winning creative director with some 20 years experience. Carl believes that ‘hitting people between the eyes’ in terms of impact, gets results. (A strategy inspired by his mother in law apparently!)