Big Stick responsive website design


Make your website design the hub of your Creative strategy

If you are investing in a new website design, why not make it the hub of you marketing activity? Why not have a website design that’s as stylish as your brand image, which makes your customers feel comfortable and valued?  A site which, navigates smoothly and makes your prospects think…”I trust this company, they have a good product and its benefits are clear and compelling”.

Integral to your overall marketing strategy

Big Stick website designs provide not only a visually engaging creative approach but the site will be cohesive and work in conjunction with your overall marketing strategy, rather than a disparate cameo or stand alone piece. Its objective to drive traffic and sales enquiries.

Big Stick briefing form guide

Big Stick will listen to your requirements before designing, writing and photographing the necessary elements to make your website compelling and informative. Big Stick will then help you market the site to increase traffic and gain response. We include some Big Stick website designs above for your reference AND if you would like a  Big Stick Briefing form to help you formulate your objectives please call for a FREE copy of the Big Stick briefing document on 01442 828883 we look forward to your call.

How to maximise the effectiveness of your website

  • Targeted & Relevant Content – and ensure there’s enough of it
  • Relevant Keyword’ content on each page to attract customers
  • Navigation – text based navigation systems work more effectively
  • Website Coding – ‘meta tags’ are used by search engines as a summary of what each page is about.
  • Off-page optimisation. An off-page campaign is anything that directs visitors to your site from ‘other’ sites on the net.
  • Social Media Facebook, MySpace, Linked in, Flikr…if you have something interesting to say, these sites will help spread the word.
  • In essence engage your potential customers, with interesting information they will want to read, watch or hear .
  • A supporting creative campaign to reinforce the benefit messages and increase awareness